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We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest sympathy to the family and freinds of a star that we have recently lost...  Mr. Wesley Willis (1963-2003).  It is him proudly singing "cut the mullet" when you enter this website.


Mullets are good.  We really enjoy them...So this is the deal - we are from the Boston area and are big fans of the mullet.  Our plan is to provide you, the "mulletfan", with some high quality entertainment. 
There are three main parts to this site:
1)  celebrities with mullets - this is self explanitory
2)  the "victims" of our mullet hunts - can they really be called victims anymore?  it's there own choice!  The majority of our hunts will come from two main regions...the greater Salisbury Beach area (Salisbury, MA-Hampton, NH-Seabrook, NH)...and also from the great city of Boston itself. 
3) our mullet merchandise - PAY ATTENTION to our all new revolutionary FAKE MULLET t-shirt.  It is never before seen excitement and fun for the whole family.  It's great for parties too!!!

"I'm mopping"


David Spade as Joe Dirt.......this is an instant classic in the mullet department!

Get the inside track on cool new mullet stuff. Join our e-mail club!!!.

Isn't it loveley...
For any information or questions, or to inquire about ordering some cool new mullet gear...
You can e-mail us at:

This is a site about ninja's, it is totally sweet...sweet like mullets.

MassMullets...making people happy since January 2003

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